
WIP 11 (30 JULY 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME :   XiaomEat SmartPhone Brand:  XIAOMI Attendance (30/07/24): 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin  0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen  0137263 Lim En Zhi  0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han  0136999 Peravin  Each member's roles: 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader) 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary) 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher) 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer) 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher) Agenda (30/07/2024): Lecturer Feedback Individual Updates Changes in previous product link : INDIVIDUAL REPORTING Vanessa Anak Edwin ( 0137467) Ms. Steph gave some feedback in the last tutorial class.  She suggested we use more small influencers instead of two macro influencers. Other than that, our team decided to change our product from only meal sets to ala carte and meal set options. We will try to find suitable influencers to promote our products as well as design the layout for our pop-up eve

WIP 10 (23 JULY 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME :   XiaomEat SmartPhone Brand:  XIAOMI Attendance (23/07/24): 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin  0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen  0137263 Lim En Zhi  0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han  0136999 Peravin  Each member's roles: 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader) 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary) 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher) 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer) 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher) Agenda (23/07/2024): Pitch Presentation Industry Feedback Individual Updates Changes in previous product link : INDIVIDUAL REPORTING Vanessa Anak Edwin ( 0137467) During last Tuesday class, we received some feedback from Ms. Steph before our pitch presentation on Thursday. I made changes to our slogan part after receiving feedback from Ms. Steph as our campaign objective was unclear. Additionally, we did not have raw material cost in our costing part. Hence, I contacted some wholesaler seller in Sh

WIP 9 (16 JULY 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME :   XiaomEat SmartPhone Brand:  XIAOMI Attendance (16/07/24): 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin  0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen  0137263 Lim En Zhi  0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han  0136999 Peravin  Each member's roles: 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader) 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary) 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher) 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer) 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher) Agenda (16/07/2024): Prototype Process Presentation Slides Individual Tasks INDIVIDUAL REPORTING Vanessa Anak Edwin ( 0137467) During tutorial class, my groupmates and I decided to modify our main packaging due to its excessive size and "spacy" appearance. After extensive discussion and soliciting feedback from everyone, we finally implemented some changes. My groupmates and I decided to meet on Friday (19/7/24) to finish our entire product mockup. I have completed the design rationale and slogan for the slide. However, I will still continue to make changes and improvements on my pa

WIP 8 (9 JULY 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME :   XiaomEat SmartPhone Brand:  XIAOMI Attendance (09/07/24): 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin  0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen  0137263 Lim En Zhi  0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han  0136999 Peravin  Each member's roles: 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader) 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary) 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher) 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer) 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher) Agenda (09/07/2024): Prototype Process Presentation Slides Individual Tasks INDIVIDUAL REPORTING Vanessa Anak Edwin ( 0137467) My groupmates and I started working on our prototype during our last tutorial class, as the presentation will be next week. At first, my groupmates and I discussed our prototypes' materials—both our products and packaging. We decided to use boxes, clay, and colour paper to build our prototype. My groupmates and I decided to hold a meeting on Friday (12/7/24) to build our prototype. On the same day, we also discussed in more detail our task on the presentation slide


EXERCISE 2: INDIVIDUAL MINDMAP Burger mind map link: Ideation 1, 2 & 3 link:      Sketches: Smartphone + Food Smartphone: Xiaomi Vision & Mission - Build products at honest price & User-friendly MIUI system Strengths - Affordable pricing Opportunities - E-commerce, Partnerships Evolution - First product, founded location: China company USP - Affordability, sustainability. variety, quality Fast food Industry (DICOS: reference) Eco-friendly Affordable price, local menu Offer plant-based meat Opportunities - Partnering with food delivery companies Benefits - Quick to prepare Summary Formerly known as a hamburger, the burger is a widely consumed food item globally. Some nations, such as China have their own version o


Exercise 2: Ideation   Mindmap 1: Mindmap 2: Mindmap 3: Ideation Sketch:!AkMJ-GDuP3NqkG9-uj9OM18ciXhC Fast Food Elements: ·       Bite-sized pieces similar to chicken nuggets, a familiar and popular fast food option. ·       Crispy Breading: Panko breadcrumbs are commonly used in fast food for their crispy texture. ·       Dipping Sauces: The inclusion of dipping sauces like vegan ranch is a classic fast food element.   Smartphone Elements: ·       T


  Marcus Ng Jing Han 0136814 link for all mind maps: Fast food (wraps) mind map Fast food idea #1 (Mieats) Fast food elements - convenient, ready to go - fast to make - affordable price - flexibility (order in stores, or at home) -use of warm colors (e.g. KFC, MCD) Smartphone elements - minimalistic design - affordability while remaining constant quality - innovative concept - eco-friendly packaging/ materials Fast food idea #2 (Noodle trouble) Fast food elements - convenient, ready to go - fast to make - affordable price - flexibility (order in stores, or at home) -use of warm colors (e.g. KFC, MCD) Smartphone elements - minimalistic design - affordability while remaining constant quality - innovative concept - eco-friendly packaging/ materials Summary Both ideations that I have come up in this phase has been through

EXERCISE 2: LIM EN ZHI (0137263)

 EXERCISE 2 : MINDMAP Fries Mindmap : Mindmap Product 1: Mindmap Product 2 : SMARTPHONE + FOOD 1. USP (MCDONALD)  High Qualities Potato - Their fries is well-known for superior texture and flavor. People often go to mcdonald just for their fries.  Consistently golden and crispy - Mcdonald's fries is known for their crispy fries and they are fried to perfection everytime.  Well- Balanced seasoning : Their seasoning is always well balanced with a perfect blend of salt and delicious taste.  Unique : Mcdonald's fries does not taste like any other fast food chain. They have their own flavour. They came in with variety of fries too like curly fries and mcshaker fries. 2. USP : XIAOMI  Xiaomi has high quality phone and high specs also has high quality experience Has


GROUP 4 NAME :   XiaomEat SmartPhone Brand:  XIAOMI Each member's roles: 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader) 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary) 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher) 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer) 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher) Group Ideation Mindmap:  EAT MI - Whiteboard ( Logo:  EAT MI - Logo (   Sketches :  Meal Appearance Packaging


                                                              Exercise 2 : Mindmap Fried Chicken Mindmap:  Fried Chicken Mindmap.pdf - Google Drive Product 1 Mindmap (XIAOFRY fried chicken):  XIAOFRY fried chicken.pdf - Google Drive Product 2 Mindmap (ByBiteCo fried chicken): Smartphone + Food: 1.  USPs (KFC) Special Recipe and unique taste The company’s branding emphasised the fact that its chicken is made with a special recipe that makes it taste better than other fast food chicken, it is a unique blend of 11 herbs and spices. KFC creates customised and locally preferred food to target audiences across different geographies and cultures Ensure good quality and freshness Wide Range of Menu Food & Beverage Finger lickin’ good! Offers a loyalty program that rewards customers for their purchases (Texas Chicken) Legendary Hand-Crafted Meals Each meal is made with extra care especially for you. No