WIP 10 (23 JULY 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME: XiaomEat

SmartPhone Brand: XIAOMI

Attendance (23/07/24):

  1. 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin 
  2. 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen 
  3. 0137263 Lim En Zhi 
  4. 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han 
  5. 0136999 Peravin 
Each member's roles:
  • 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader)
  • 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary)
  • 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher)
  • 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer)
  • 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher)
Agenda (23/07/2024):
  • Pitch Presentation
  • Industry Feedback
  • Individual Updates

Vanessa Anak Edwin (0137467)
  • During last Tuesday class, we received some feedback from Ms. Steph before our pitch presentation on Thursday.
  • I made changes to our slogan part after receiving feedback from Ms. Steph as our campaign objective was unclear.
  • Additionally, we did not have raw material cost in our costing part. Hence, I contacted some wholesaler seller in Shah Alam area (RS Vegie) on WhatsApp and seller on Facebook to get accurate price for bulk purchase. For dry ingredients, I use Shah Alam wholesaler area websites such as:
    - https://market.borong.com/my  
    - https://www.fama.gov.my/harga-pasaran-terkini
    - https://www.supplybunny.com/filter/halal-products and etc.
  • Raw materials & ingredients quantity are estimated based on online recipe.
  • As mentioned in my previous WIP 9, I changed my task from creating a poster to producing a short video ad to showcase our products better.
  • In todays' presentation, we received some feedbacks from our clients. Some of the changes we need to make are KOLS, target audiences' age range and promotional items (Badges).
  • There are no changes required for my part, but I will still help my group members with their part and may help arrange the slides.
  • My groupmates have shown a good cooperation and effort so far as they completed their task in a detailed manner.
  • I have attached the link to our products' changes updates.
Khoo Kai Xuen (0137459)
  • On Tuesday, during our lecture, we showed Ms. our slides for checking before the pitch presentation, which will be on Thursday. Ms. gave us some feedback.
  • For the part I was in charge of, Ms. suggested using a local brand ambassador instead of BamBam from Got7. Therefore, I changed the brand ambassador to Anna Jobling, a Malaysian actress and model known for her roles in TV dramas and films.
  • Then, Ms. suggested we try contacting the influencer we chose, YIFEI, to get an accurate price for collaborating with her instead of using Growaan to estimate. I tried to contact YIFEI's team via WhatsApp, as her team uses WhatsApp for job inquiries instead of email. However, YIFEI's team said that they are currently not accepting jobs for collaboration with fast food brands. As a result, we will use the cost for YIFEI, which I calculated through Growaan.
  • Next, we received feedback on pitch presentation day. First of all, our local brand ambassador, Anna Jobling, will not be suitable to collaborate with our fast food brand, as Anna's content mainly focuses on fashion. Thus, I will be researching another KOL for our tactical ideas.
  • Moreover, Ms and clients mentioned that our target audience is not clear enough, so I will try to emphasize the age range of our target audience.
Lim En Zhi(0137263)
  • Tuesday Lecture - Feedback Session . my part is ok just need to categorise my work and add more details/ info to my design rationale of my logo
  • Pitch Presentation - I present my part, logo mockup design, prototype video and advertisement video
  • Industry Feedback - clients gave us some feedback on parts like KOL influencer . for my part nothing is particularly commented on. 
  • Individual updates : I’m satisfied with the cooperation given by my groupmates. 
Marcus Ng Jing Han (0136814)
  • This week I mainly focused on creating our costing
  • Pitch presentation: I presented on mockup design for our H2H burger, badges as promotional item and costing, but during costing session we ran out of time to present
  • Industry feedback: my team did a good job in cooperating Xiaomi's elements into our product, our brand ambassador (Anna Jobling) is not suitable as she is unlikely to promote fast food in general, an age range should be added into our target audience, badge is said to not be too suitable as promotional item
  • individual updates: will be updating on promotional items and costing if necessary, pretty satisfied with my group performance throughout the semester
  • On Tuesday we got some feedback for our progress by Ms.Steph. I was told to include specific event details for my pop-up stand in which I have rectified.
  • For my costing, I contacted Sunway to find out their rental space free as well as the total square feet allowed to be occupied. They could not give me an exact detail but they gave me a rough estimation and calculated based on the given information.
  • On Thursday we had our pitch presentation to our clients in which we got more additional feedback from them. Overall my group's progress is good and there's not much changes to be made. Our clients are quite satisfied with our fast food brand idea.
  • So far for my part, the overview of smartphone brand and fast food industry is alright as well as the campaign's slogan, messaging and objective. My pop-up stand idea was also acceptable.
  • The only thing I have to work on now is the layout for my pop-up stand in which I will provide a digital sketch for it.
  • I will ask Ms. Steph to check my costing to make sure it's accurate and not misleading.
  • I am quite happy with my groupmates and all the work we have contributed to this assignment. Everyone cooperated and their easy-going personality and exceptional communication skills made doing this assignment so much fun and less stressful despite the amount of work we had to do. I really enjoy their company and am very grateful to have them as my groupmates.


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