WIP 9 (16 JULY 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME: XiaomEat

SmartPhone Brand: XIAOMI

Attendance (16/07/24):

  1. 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin 
  2. 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen 
  3. 0137263 Lim En Zhi 
  4. 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han 
  5. 0136999 Peravin 
Each member's roles:
  • 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader)
  • 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary)
  • 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher)
  • 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer)
  • 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher)
Agenda (16/07/2024):
  • Prototype Process
  • Presentation Slides
  • Individual Tasks

Vanessa Anak Edwin (0137467)
  • During tutorial class, my groupmates and I decided to modify our main packaging due to its excessive size and "spacy" appearance. After extensive discussion and soliciting feedback from everyone, we finally implemented some changes.
  • My groupmates and I decided to meet on Friday (19/7/24) to finish our entire product mockup.
  • I have completed the design rationale and slogan for the slide. However, I will still continue to make changes and improvements on my part.
  • I am currently still working on my tactical ideas. I plan to transition my tactical ideas from physical events to promotional items, a voucher, and a poster.
  • Fortunately, my groupmates and I finished our entire product mockup by today and will ask for Ms. Steph's feedback for the last time in our next lecture class.

Khoo Kai Xuen (0137459)
  • On Tuesday class we continue to figure how to modify our packaging box
  • Then we arranged a meeting on Friday to work on our packaging together, and prepare for the pitch presentation on the coming week
  • I have done with the overview of XIAOMI & fast food industry and introduction of product
  • I will continue working on the digital tactical ideas, where i will be doing the Social Media, website and KOL Marketing
  • For Social Media, An Instagram Profile is created. 
  • Additionally, a website is created, consumer can scan the QR code and enter the website directly.
  • For KOL Marketing, I will be using XIAOMI's Brand Ambassador BamBam from GOT7, and for KOL, I choose MS KUAN and she has the engagement range of 3.54%
Lim En Zhi(0137263)
  • Tuesday class - we did get some feedback from ms steph. Discuss on how to modify our box. 
  • Friday - meeting and did modify together , box turns out great and more practical than the first outcome. 
  • Pitch presentation : I have done the logo and in the process of justifying the logo design . Also Im in the process of making video clip for the overview of new fast food brand 
  • KOL -Advertisement . I took shots today . Everyone cooperated.

Marcus Ng Jing Han (0136814)
  • Today (Friday) me and my teammates had a meet up and continued to work on and finish our fast food prototype.
  • We also filmed some clips for our product advertisement
  • As we have mostly finished up our prototype, we have proceeded to work on our presentation
  • I have done brand new and updated sketches for our finalized product
  • Pitch presentation: I will continue to work on costing and promotional items (tactical idea) such as limited merchandises (badges) 

  • On Tuesday, we spotted some errors in our main packaging and decided to meet on Friday to finalize the design as well making some changes and adjustments to it.
  • I have also completed the tender bites packaging.
  • For the pitch presentation I will present the overview for the smartphone brand and fast food industry. I will make some changes to it before next Thursday.
  • I will also work on the physical tactical idea. 


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