WIP 11 (30 JULY 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME: XiaomEat

SmartPhone Brand: XIAOMI

Attendance (30/07/24):

  1. 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin 
  2. 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen 
  3. 0137263 Lim En Zhi 
  4. 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han 
  5. 0136999 Peravin 
Each member's roles:
  • 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader)
  • 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary)
  • 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher)
  • 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer)
  • 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher)
Agenda (30/07/2024):
  • Lecturer Feedback
  • Individual Updates

Vanessa Anak Edwin (0137467)
  • Ms. Steph gave some feedback in the last tutorial class. 
  • She suggested we use more small influencers instead of two macro influencers.
  • Other than that, our team decided to change our product from only meal sets to ala carte and meal set options.
  • We will try to find suitable influencers to promote our products as well as design the layout for our pop-up event.
  • Currently, I'm still working on improving my short video ads.
  • Overall, I'm grateful to have a super cooperative and hardworking group members! 🤝
Khoo Kai Xuen (0137459)
  • On Tuesday Tutorial, Ms Steph gave us some feedbacks on the tactical ideas, She suggest us to find more influencer instead of only using two macro-influencer, also a few feedback on Pop out store part. 
  • Therefore, we will keep working on researching for suitable influencers and ways to improve our product ideas before the assignment deadline. I have found a few KOL and i have contact them to ask for their price, hopefully they reply.
  • I did not manage to receive reply from the 5 influencers we choose. Therefore, i will calculate and estimate their rates. I found their pricing estimate on HypeAuditor, so i took the average price between the range and convert it from USD to MYR.
  • I am glad to be in our group as they are very cooperative and responsible, willing to help and we work as a team.
Lim En Zhi(0137263)
  • Ms steph gave a few feedbacks on our tactical ideas . find suitable influencer and The pop out store. 
  • I’m very happy with my group as everyone is very cooperative and we dont have much to improve on as our work is ok 😼🙏🏻
Marcus Ng Jing Han (0136814)
  • This week we mainly need to work on our tactical idea as we need to choose someone who would be more likely to promote our product based on their content
  • As treasurer i will continue to update the costing once we are done.
  • As we reach the end of this semester I am satisfied with this team and I am grateful to work with them
  • Ms Steph gave some feedback regarding our tactical ideas especially on the KOL Marketing, Pop-up Stand, and Badges.
  • For my part which is the Pop-up Stand I have made some changes and finalized the overall slides.
  • The only thing which is pending now is the design layout for the stand. I'm almost done with the physical sketches and will start working on the digital sketches before the deadline.
  • Overall, I'm satisfied and happy with the contributions my group and I have made throughout this entire project.


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