WIP 3 (4 JUNE 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME: XiaomEat

SmartPhone Brand: XIAOMI

Attendance (04/06/24):

  1. 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin 
  2. 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen 
  3. 0137263 Lim En Zhi 
  4. 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han 
  5. 0136999 Peravin 

Agenda (04/06/2024):

  1. Research Mindmap Progress ( Individual & Group )
  2. Ideation Plan (Individual)
Each member's roles:
  • 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader)
  • 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary)
  • 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher)
  • 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer)
  • 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher)

Vanessa Anak Edwin (0137467)
  • During lecture session, we were assigned to deliver a pitch presentation to sell a chipped mug.
  • Miss Steph briefed us on our next assignment which involves individual and group ideation during tutorial class.
  • Our group decided to choose 5 fast food items and distribute them among each group members.
  • I will be working on the "burger" ideation and do some research on it.
  • Other than that, our group will work on improving our current mind map for Xiaomi & fast food industry.
Khoo Kai Xuen (0137459)
  • This week Lecturer brief us on Exercise 2. We were task to do ideation which is needed to be done in both individual and group.
  • Then we discuss among our group in order to distribute different type of fast food to focus on, so that we have more elements to combine with on our new products.
  • For my individual ideation, i will do research and draw mindmap on "Chicken".
  • Moreover we will do final corrections and check on Exercise 1 which is the mindmap that we have drawn before the submission date.

Lim En Zhi (0137263)

  • This week briefing is about exercise 2. Our task is to come up with an ideation which require to be done individually and in group
  • Discussion and food category distribution is made in group.
  • My individual ideation is to research about "Fries" and to come up with sketch and mindmap about this product
  • Final checking on exercise 1 mindmap by Ms steph and a few improvement need to be made. 

Marcus Ng Jing Han (0136814)

  • This week we entered exercise 2 of our assignment.
  • 2 mindmaps and research to be done individually about my own fast food product idea
  • 1 group mindmap to be done in 2 weeks time after group discussion, our ideas are to be combined
  • fast food product to be tested by me: Wraps (Chicken wraps, burrito wraps etc.)

Peravin (0136999)

  • We were tasked to come up with an ideation of a fast food that was to be done individually and in a group.
  • We decided to divide the 5 types of fast food among the group members to conduct individual research on.
  • I have to create 2 mindmaps and do research as well as a sketch about my chosen fast food product idea.
  • The fast food that I will research on is nugget.
  • Our group will come up with an overall mindmap in which our ideas will be combined.
  • Corrections to be done for exercise 1 mindmap.


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