WIP 5 (18 JUNE 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME: XiaomEat

SmartPhone Brand: XIAOMI

Attendance (18/06/24):

  1. 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin 
  2. 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen 
  3. 0137263 Lim En Zhi 
  4. 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han 
  5. 0136999 Peravin 
Each member's roles:
  • 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader)
  • 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary)
  • 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher)
  • 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer)
  • 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher)
Agenda (18/06/2024):
  • Individual Ideation Mind Map Feedback

Vanessa Anak Edwin (0137467)
  • During the lecture class, our lecturer conducted an egg-drop challenge. My group and I discussed what materials to bring and we decided to use boxes and straws as padding to protect the egg.
  • Ms. Steph chose 3 winners and we were one of them!
  • During tutorial class, I continued with my Ideation assignment (Exercise 2). I showed my progress and received feedback from Ms. Steph.
  • I will expand my mind map more further and do some more research.
Khoo Kai Xuen (0137459)
  • Today we did the egg drop challenge in lecturer class, each of us brings material that we think might use to the class and we discuss for the final prototype.
  • We decided to use straw and box, we put the egg into the box and it look like this:                 
  • Surprisingly we won the second place and receive the bonus of 5 marks in our assignment!
  • Then in Tutorial class later, each of us show our progress on research and mindmap then ask for Ms Steph to check.
  • I will start to do my research and mind map on the following week.
Lim En Zhi (0137263)
  • Class activity for this week is Egg drop challenge, everyone contributed in the processing of saving the egg from breaking. We won second place and earn 5 extra marks for our assignment. 
  • In tutorial class, Ms steph did some checking on our mindmap and advice us on how to improve it and i have a few improvement need to be made for my mind map. 

  • here is the link to my mindmap on canva --> canva mindmap link
  • This is my first mindmap and a few adjustment will be made later before next week tuesday (25/6/2024)
Marcus Ng Jing Han (0136814)
  • We won second place and received 5 extra marks for the egg drop challenge this week
  • After showing miss my fast food research (wraps) mind map, the target audience part could be elaborated further and the SWOT part is still unfinished, but overall miss said so far so good
  • Ideation to begin starting this week as I finish up my fast food (wraps) research mind map
Peravin (0136999)
  • This week we competed in an eggdrop challenge in which we were one of the top 3 groups and was awarded a bonus of 5 marks for our assignment.
  • I proceeded to work on my mind map and showed Ms.Steph my progress.
  • I was given some feedback by Ms.Steph to add a few more layers and to explain a bit further on my mind map and will continue to work on it before next tuesday.


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