WIP 1 (24 MAY 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME: XiaomEat
SmartPhone Brand: XIAOMI

Attendance (21/05/2024):
  1. 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin 
  2. 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen 
  3. 0137263 Lim En Zhi 
  4. 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han 
  5. 0136999 Peravin 

Agenda (21/05/2024):
  • Assignment briefing
  • Formed a group of five people and assigned roles to each members
  • Decided on a group name and created a BlogSpot
  • Assigned tasks to group members

Each member's roles:
  • 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader)
  • 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary)
  • 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher)
  • 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer)
  • 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher)


Vanessa Anak Edwin (0137467)
  • Our group decided to name our BlogSpot and group as XiaomEat.
  • We proceed to divide each task which consists of 8 topics as equally as possible according to the possibility of each topic to form 40 Q&A.
  • I will be conducting information research on the mission and vision of Xiaomi brand (E) as well as a SWOT analysis on the Xiaomi brand (F). - I will compile a set of 40 Q&A based on my research.
  • Type of learner: Auditory learner.
  • Strategies for research: In order to ensure the validity of information, I will use reliable sources such as Google Scholar - Articles & Journal Articles, Xiaomi websites & apps. To create 40 Q&A, I will be using the elements of the 5W1H Method, and ChatGPT to generate some ideas.

Khoo Kai Xuen (
  • This week the lecturer brief us about the assignment, it is divided into three exercises which we need to complete the assignment step by step.
  • The lecturer spin the wheel and we got the smartphone brand which is XIAOMI. Then, we open a blogspot and we name our group as - XiaomEat. 
  • Then we distribute group roles by spinning the wheel, Vanessa is our group leader, follow by me as a secretary, En Zhi as a visual researcher, Marcus as a treasurer and Peravin will be the facts researcher.
  • Next we will be conducting research individually in a Q&A format with minimum of 40 questions and answers. 
  • There were several information needed to be gather, i will be taking part of researching about A (a brief introduction of the smartphone brand and fast food industry) and D (the fast food industry's USPs).
  • Type of learner: Auditory Learner.
  • Strategies for research: I will be using google and other apps to search for articles and information about XIAOMI.

Lim En Zhi (
  • Forming a group of 5 and sort out each other's roles by using "spin the wheel" on the first week. 
  • Phone brand for each group is decided by using "spin the wheel". 
  • Create a blogspot called XiaomEat for the team updates or WIP 
  • Choosing topic for questions purposes
  • My assigned role is the visual researcher.
  • My role involves the studies and analysis of the visual material by interpreting, presenting and sourcing. 
  • I will be conducting 40 questions of H and F. (F- a swot analysis on the smartphone brand) (H- the smartphone brand's latest products and creative campaigns)
  • Type of learner : Visual and Auditory Learner
  • Strategies for research :I will be using google, Pinterest, YouTube and other websites for articles and information about XIAOMI

Marcus Ng Jing Han (
  • For this week, I was chosen treasurer for my group (XiaomEat).
  • I will be conducting research and making a 40 Q&A information research based on my 2 topics chosen, A (a brief introduction of the smartphone brand and fast food industry) and C (the smartphone brand's USP).
  • Type of learner: Auditory Learner
  • Strategies for research: Google research such as XIAOMI official website, socials (Instagram, twitter etc.) 

Peravin (

  • The agenda for this week was to create a group consisting of 5 members and to divide the roles among the members by using a spinning wheel.
  • Then, we were instructed to create a blogspot. The name of our blogspot is XiaomEat.
  • Once the roles of the group members were decided, we then proceeded to dive into our chosen topic. The brand we will be researching about is XIAOMI.
  • My role in the group is the facts researcher and I will conduct a research consisting of a 40 Q&A format based on my chosen topics which are B (the brands evolution journey along with the fast food industry evolution journey) and G (a SWOT analysis on the fast food & the industry).
  • Type of learner: Auditory learner
  • Strategies for research: I will use google scholar to find articles related to XIAOMI. I will also use websites to gain necessary information.


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