
Showing posts from May, 2024


Exercise 1: Market Research (0137263 LIM EN ZHI) Tuesday 28 May 2024 A. Question F : A  SWOT analysis on the smartphone brand Strength 1.What are the key strength of Xiaomi smartphone? High quality but cheap price and cost conscious. 2.What are Xiaomi pricing strategy? High quality but affordable price 3.What are innovative features do Xiaomi smartphones offer? Advanced camera system, long battery life, fast charging and integration with AI. 4. How strong is Xiaomi brand recognition globally? Widely known in Asia 5.What role does Xiaomi's online presence play in its market strength?  Xiaomi's strong online presence through its own platforms and e-commerce sites has been crucial. Flash sales and exclusive online launches have generated significant buzz and demand. Weakness 6. What are the criticism receive by Xiaomi? Presence of ads in MIUI and concerns about data privacy. 7.What are the challenges of Xiaomi ? Overcoming the perception as budget smartphone instead of a luxury sm

WIP 2 (28 MAY 2024)

GROUP 4 NAME :   XiaomEat SmartPhone Brand:  XIAOMI Attendance (28/5/24): 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin  0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen  0137263 Lim En Zhi  0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han  0136999 Peravin  Agenda (21/05/2024): Market research - Xiaomi Each member's roles: 0137467 Vanessa Anak Edwin (Leader) 0137459 Khoo Kai Xuen (Secretary) 0137263 Lim En Zhi (Visual Researcher) 0136814 Marcus Ng Jing Han (Treasurer) 0136999 Peravin (Facts Researcher) INDIVIDUAL REPORTING Vanessa Anak Edwin ( 0137467) We were tasked with creating a mind map based on our research. My group members and I did our part & helped each other find the main points. We decided to continue our research to find more detailed information on Xiaomi and the fast food industry. Khoo Kai Xuen ( 0137459) This week the lecturer ask us to upload our individual research into Blogger. Then we were task to draw mind map using Mahjong paper. Therefore,we draw two mind map, one for XIAOMI and another for Fast Food Industry. After that


Marcus Ng Jing Han 0136814 A- 25 questions C- 15 questions  A) a brief introduction of the smartphone brand and fast food industry 1- What is Xiaomi? A Various kinds of consumer electronics and smart manufacturing Chinese company   2- When was Xiaomi first introduced? It was founded in 6 April 2010  3- Where is Xiaomi originated from? It originated from Beijing 4- What kind of products does Xiaomi produce and sell? Xiaomi offers products such as smartphones, home appliances and automobiles   5- What does Xiaomi’s logo stand for? The “MI’ logo stands for “mobile internet”, alternatively it also means “mission impossible”, as it is a company that has face many challenges that had seemed impossible to defy in the early days 6- What is Xiaomi’s vision?  “Make friends with users and be the coolest company in the users’ hearts” 7- What is Xiaomi most well-known for? It is well known for its variety of lifestyle appliances such as the Mi-watch, but mainly through its smartphones 8- What is Xi